Thursday 12 February 2009

I'm tired..

Its been three days since I last posted, I could lie and say i've been HIGHLY busy, but I haven't. I just forgot. Its been a couple of months since I have sat down with a blank piece of paper to write my feelings on. I tried yesterday, and I just couldn't seem to get the words out. I love poety. I have done since I was a young child. I think it is a beautiful expression of emotion. words of poetry seem to last longer in my head than normal prose it seems. So. the solution. I'm going to spend a little time tonight on a piece that i have muddled somewhere in My brain, settled between Work, and pleasure. its very rarely the pleasure section of my brain has been activated, so i'm hoping that I can at least produce something good. We shall see.
I'm metally exhausted I think. mentally, at least, its been a hard week. physically too. My work has been starting at 5am every morning, so by the time I'm actually becoming tired, its silly o clock in the morning, and a few hours until My alarm goes off. my alarm is something I hate with a passion. unless it goes off and I don't have to go to work. In that case, I roll over, and close my eyes again, engaging in the blissful sleep that i endure for the next few hours at least.
Enough ranting. I'm tired, and hungry.

1 comment:

  1. You do need to get more sleep! Especially since you are getting up so early.



About Me

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I am a 23 year old Girl, from England. I enjoy writing poetry, and causing Confusion! "something really right on the outside, but really wrong on the inside" Vibrant and Feisty.